Sunday, October 31, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 7 : Hard- Hitting Headache from my new Headset?

What a weird trivia from my sister. I never stop crying when I got a big and terrible headache since yesterday. At first, I thought that I got hit from the Fire Extinguisher from the Halloween Party. And then, the next day, I bought a new headset for my cellular phone to use my radio. After that, I just can't stop using it. Until, later at night, my head's getting aching. I doubt during that time which could be the cause of that headache. So, I just slept earlier than 10:00 PM.Every time I changed my position, my headache was getting worst.

Until I found out from my sister, I am very abusive of using my headset due to a big and terrible migraine.And that's it. I don't use my headset until I feel better. But I am not abusive in using it. I just fell asleep during that time. This was unexpected.I learned from myself, never sleep with your headsets turning on and loud.

Anyway, have a nice weekend. ^_^


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