Sunday, October 24, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 5 : What a sleepless weekend!

Wahh!!!! I almost slept late at night because of my phone pal (Uso pa ba yun?). Yes, you heard it right. I can't get enough of waiting for him to finish our nonsense conversation. Anyway, I guess I am now getting dizzy for today. He told me that I want to quit just to be his *ehem! boyfriend. Well, I don't care! Sorry to tell that I have no time to face another relationship. For now, I am concentrating my study. It's just one year left and I will become a full pledge teacher someday. Another one is for the guy who loves my voice. I don't know why. I just want to shut up and forget anything from what I have did last night.

Some of my reminders when you talk to the other guys, make sure you are a great cheater. Why? Because if you don't want to kill yourself from ashamed,just cheat him. Trust me! Hahaha!

So much for that. Have a nice sleep and happy weekend!

- @jessicarcb1990

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