Sunday, October 31, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 7 : Hard- Hitting Headache from my new Headset?

What a weird trivia from my sister. I never stop crying when I got a big and terrible headache since yesterday. At first, I thought that I got hit from the Fire Extinguisher from the Halloween Party. And then, the next day, I bought a new headset for my cellular phone to use my radio. After that, I just can't stop using it. Until, later at night, my head's getting aching. I doubt during that time which could be the cause of that headache. So, I just slept earlier than 10:00 PM.Every time I changed my position, my headache was getting worst.

Until I found out from my sister, I am very abusive of using my headset due to a big and terrible migraine.And that's it. I don't use my headset until I feel better. But I am not abusive in using it. I just fell asleep during that time. This was unexpected.I learned from myself, never sleep with your headsets turning on and loud.

Anyway, have a nice weekend. ^_^


Saturday, October 30, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 6 : Food Trip with Juicy Girls

Hey Guys! How's your weekend? Well, I know you are already busy preparing for the upcoming All Saints Day. I hope you enjoy your long weekend. Anyway, it's a long long time in making our revised thesis for one week or more. And I think it's good to share some secrets with my very good and most trusted persons in my college life, my best friends.

Last Wednesday, we have done our get together in SM Taytay. Supposed to be, we will watched a horror movie. But sad to say, it's already closed and changed into a love story. Very sucks! So, I told them to have a little bit of food trip at McDonald's. Since then, it's their first time to eat there without hesitation. I have ordered Regular Spaghetti, French Fries, Softdrinks and Hamburger. I also paid it because I want to treat them, as I promised last time when I visited my friend's feast day in Binangonan. They were satisfied to their food.

And also, one time, they saw me, always drinking a Regular Coke Float. "It's that delicious?",my friend asked. "Yah! Sounds like Milk Shake with a twist of softdrink.", I answered. But she has no money to buy that drink. And my friend have ordered some food for take home to her mother (She was scolded by her mother before she joined with us). We teased her, until she gave up and bought for another one. She already smiled after it.

It was a funny and very yummy experience having a group date with my friends. That's why I loved them and I missed them so much.

That's it! Happy Halloween!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 5 : What a sleepless weekend!

Wahh!!!! I almost slept late at night because of my phone pal (Uso pa ba yun?). Yes, you heard it right. I can't get enough of waiting for him to finish our nonsense conversation. Anyway, I guess I am now getting dizzy for today. He told me that I want to quit just to be his *ehem! boyfriend. Well, I don't care! Sorry to tell that I have no time to face another relationship. For now, I am concentrating my study. It's just one year left and I will become a full pledge teacher someday. Another one is for the guy who loves my voice. I don't know why. I just want to shut up and forget anything from what I have did last night.

Some of my reminders when you talk to the other guys, make sure you are a great cheater. Why? Because if you don't want to kill yourself from ashamed,just cheat him. Trust me! Hahaha!

So much for that. Have a nice sleep and happy weekend!

- @jessicarcb1990

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 4 : Getting sleepy during Typhoon Juan

How's your day guys?

Me? I'm just sleepy since earlier morning, waiting for the next update of Typhoon Juan (Internationally, the name of the typhoon is Megi.). I just feel the boredom and tiredness of waiting the next day. So, I just washed my clothes for tomorrow and have a little bit of meal time with my mom and siblings. Then, I just fell asleep for a long period of time. I just woke up earlier than 4:30 AM to watch my favorite TV Show. Even though I am awake, I just feel that I'm not 100 % awake because I slept last night at exactly 11:00 PM. And after 10 hours, finally, I am awake as of this moment I am writing this blog. :)))

Anyway, tomorrow may be my enrollment day for the 2nd semester. And I'm sure that not all of my classmates are ready to pay for their tuition fees, just like me. Hahaha! See yah tomorrow again. ^_^

- Jessica

Monday, October 18, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 3 : Fully Charged!

Fully loaded again during weekends! Hahaha! I just can't stop eating too much food since weekend due to severe hunger from the last semester. Oh well. I can now add as much as 5 pounds starting today.

Last Saturday, I just went to my cousin's house in Antipolo City. I ate too much sweets. I am worried about my health and figure as well since I have suffered an early signs of arthritis last Holy Week. It's better to be careful of what I am eating. Because of that, no more Lechon and Adobo on my plates. Maybe this Christmas. Hahaha!

And yesterday, I attended the Christening of my newest grandson (too early,right?), Brent Robis Calanno. He is my best friend's youngest brother after 12 years of waiting of having a little baby on their crib. He is just turned 1 year old last Thursday (October 14). It's just as simple as my cousin's birthday. There are lots of kids, ninongs and ninangs, especially to myself, taking some pictures and having a nice conversation. But, due to Typhoon Juan, the birthday party was postponed. Instead, they hold a simple gathering for the children and they just gave their giveaways for those children. It was so much fun and memorable birthday ever.

Oh well! I just need to reduce a little bit. Maybe 3 pounds or more. Hahaha! Keep safe guys and see you real soon. ^_^

- Jessica Borromeo

Sunday, October 10, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 2 : What am I doing for my last week of 1st Sem?

Happy 10 10 10 to everyone!

Now is my last week on first semester in my third year. Too fast,isn't it? I'm so excited to take a break even just for two weeks. I just love to sleep for a long period of time. But, there are many things to be done within a week, or else.

Here are my plans for my Semestral Break:

October 11 - Need to finish my demo teaching in my English subject
October 12 - Deadline of submission in Field Study
October 13 - Signing of Clearance (School Expenses and Memberships, etc.)
October 14 - Signing of Clearance (Adviser and Dean), Having a date with someone (What?Hahaha!)
October 15 - It's my rest day! Yahoo!

October 18 - Getting my Assessment Form at the Server
October 19 - Enrollment for 2nd Semester (It takes for a long hours the whole day)
October 20 - Getting my newest schedule for the next sem (I hope it will never change)
October 21 - Meet with my friends in Binangonan for the feast day and having a mountain climbing to the top of the cross (Grotto for short)
October 22 - Finally! I'm keeping myself relax and stay happy

October 25 - It's Holiday!
October 26 - (If ever) This could be my first day of class for 2nd Semester.

Wooh! Getting busy for my sembreak? That's not the big problem. I will just enjoy the whole break for good. At least, I'm very happy to do a lot of things. Just like I have mentioned earlier, time is too fast, but still I can't ever imagine that I can finish everything in just a moment with good grades.

Anyway, have a great time with your family and always thank to all of the people especially to God in making this life possible.

Kudos Pilipinas!

- Jess

Saturday, October 9, 2010

BLOG ENTRY NO. 1 : My Big Changes After Troubles

A Beautiful Day to everyone.

It's been a long time since I stopped writing my blog entries due to my hectic schedules and getting pressured in my study. But still, my life is complete with the help of my friends (especially to my newest friends). I have something to tell about my most memorable adventures since I've been missing my blogger thing. It's just because I just love to meet new people, new things and anything that could change my life ever. It's a great pleasure for me to having a great time with those people.

Since the last time I have experiencing deepest pain and burden from the past troubles, I am now showing a little bit of reconciliation from those things. Through the help of my family and my friends, I am now changing, changing of who I am right now. It seems that I can't ever imagine of meeting new people through this crazy world of technology. And I could never imagine that those things are getting bigger and better.

Right now, I am now enjoying my life in just one tweet at a time. Yes! Twitter make a big changes for me. And also I am now tweeting new friends, even celebrities. I could never expect that kind of scenario which makes me happier than ever. Every time I checked my Tweet Deck (my newest interest), I just love to read all of the mentions and DM's from my followers. One of those tweets that I posted also mentioned on a radio program, which makes me nervous and happy as well. That's the reason I am now getting informed from the world of tweeting. That was cool. ^_^

Another thing is, I always wake up earlier than 5 AM (I just tried it since I already become a fan of a morning show). At first, it's too hard for me to do that. But then, I already enjoyed that daily routine to maximize my mind and my spirit. And one of the most important reason that makes me change is I admired this guy through his hard hitting points and serious views on the latest issues of today's administration, I never stop laughing at him (I don't want to mention his name but someday you will know him more). I am now listening to his radio program everyday, which is impossible for me as a young individual. Because of him, I have made my own views about life. Pretty good huh?

And the most challenging part of my life is... my thesis work with my best and most trusted friends. I still keep on counting to them by giving some ideas and getting open to each other. I think this was the toughest challenge ever. After the sleepless nights and dealing with big troubles in our group, we can handle it by just helping and trusting to each other. That's the key in every successful accomplishments in our work. I can't remember when and where did this started. But still, we need to finish it together, no matter what happens in our thesis and in our group, God knows we can do it.

Anyway, it took so long to tell another story. That's it for now. And by the way, I just want to thank all of those people, especially to my new friends, for giving me an opportunity to share anything and everything about life. I am appreciating all of those things. I'm still keep on touch with you.

Thanks a lot and take care! ^_^
